Student Stories

Pioneering Biomedical Innovation: My Journey at Queen Mary University of London

Balvinder Dhillon shares how QMUL's cutting-edge research facilities, dynamic student-led initiatives, and supportive environment shaped her path in biomedical engineering.

What It’s Like to Study at the University of the Year with the UK’s No. 1 Student Union

From a top academic reputation to state-of-the-art facilities and an award-winning student union, here’s why the University of Sheffield offers a truly holistic experience.

The Fight Against Poverty in Malaysia: A Conversation with Sivarajan Arumugam

One of the recipients of the 2024 David Guard Scholarship on his decades-long passion for community advocacy.

"The David Guard Scholarship means everything to me": A Conversation with Shelly Yeo

One of the recipients of the 2024 David Guard Scholarship on her non-traditional journey of growth and curiosity that led her to pursue a MA Philosophy.

The time at university passes by so quickly so make sure every second counts!

LLB Law graduate Nick shares his journey as a Sheffield student and explains how the opportunity to spend a year abroad as part of his degree broadened his horizons even further.

A place where everyone can belong

Graduate Chong Hao Ran shares her journey as a Sheffield student and explains how opportunities both within the University and around the city have allowed her to develop and pursue her interests.

My advice would be to venture out and try out new experiences that the University is able to provide.

Graduate Aiman tells us what attracted him to study with the University of Sheffield, and how his year in industry placement has sparked his desire to pursue a bright future in the renewable energy sector.

A Journey of Gratitude: My Experience Studying Actuarial Science at Queen Mary University of London

In this essay, Masturina shares her personal journey of choosing to study Actuarial Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) over other universities offering the same program. Through a thoughtful reflection, she explains the reasons behind her confident decision.

From Uncertainty to Achievement

A Humble Journey Through Education And Beyond

A World-Class Education for Business Students

In this essay, Joey, a second-year student studying International Business and Finance at the University of Leeds, shares her perspective on the university. She highlights the global recognition and triple accreditation of the Leeds University Business School (LUBS), along with the comprehensive support services and dedicated careers team provided by the university. Joey also emphasizes the vibrant student life, including the abundance of clubs and societies offered by the Leeds University Union (LUU).

Exploring Food Science at the University of Leeds

In this essay, Teng Wang shares their experience as a student pursuing a Food Science and Nutrition degree at the University of Leeds. From the initial research process that led them to choose Leeds, to the vibrant campus life and various opportunities provided by the university, he highlights the key aspects that have shaped their educational journey. Focusing on the university's libraries, career support, Leeds University Union, and sports facilities, let’s explores how these resources have contributed to personal growth, cultural exchange, and a well-rounded university experience.

A Perfect Blend of Tranquility and Vibrancy

Sarah will take you on a journey through her personal experiences at York's campus, where tranquility and excitement coexist harmoniously. From the serene environment that fosters deep connections and lifelong friendships to the exceptional teaching and academic support provided by passionate lecturers, York offers a unique blend of learning and personal growth. Let's explore the enchanting allure of York together.

Discovering the Leicester Law Experience: A Journey of Growth and Opportunity

In this essay, Harish would like to take you on a personal journey and share his perspective on why choosing Leicester for his Law degree has been a truly enriching experience. Leicester Law School offers much more than just a degree, it is a gateway to empowerment and personal growth. Read to find out the reasons why Leicester stands out as an exceptional choice for aspiring law students. From award-winning law societies and informative career services to a vibrant and diverse student life, Leicester offers a unique blend of opportunities that foster academic excellence, cultural immersion, and holistic development.

Why I chose Queen Mary University of London as my education destination?

Why I chose Queen Mary University of London as my education destination?

Meaningful Life and Studying at University of Northampton

Qin Shen is a law student at the University of Northampton. He looked online for UK universities that he could afford and decided on UON. He shares his university experience and how the assistance he received from his tutor will undoubtedly prepare him for his future career.

Preparing for University: The First Steps

Rebecca had an amazing A-level experience at MPW Cambridge. She met wonderful people at college, and the beauty of Cambridge continues to fascinate her. Every moment spent in the city brings back pleasant memories.

Why did I choose the University of Southampton?

Kavitha's goal is to complete MSc Project Management and set up her consultancy firm in her home country focusing on sustainable development practices. In this article, she shares the reason why she chose University of Southampton to achieve her goal.

Making the biggest and best decision of my student life

Edwina has been passionate about the environment but was unsure which field she wanted to focus in. Read how she discovered University of Glasgow and how everything fell into place

New experiences, a better understanding of culture and practice, incredible new friends!

Pursuing bachelor's degree in the United Kingdom has been a dream ever since Afiq was a child. The very diverse student population from various nationalities at University of Southampton has made him feel welcome.

Why my choice was the University of York?

Khoo Weng Lum takes you on his journey from finding the right university to enjoying his first year as student.

Swansea University, A Place to Begin.

This was Christopher's first time leaving home, he was ready and wanted to go to a place that would be totally different to anything he has experienced in the past. There are many reasons Christopher chose to come to Swansea University, but the location of it being beside the beach was the final piece of the puzzle.

Supportive Culture that Propelled my Learning Journey

Debbie Ann Loh is a Postgraduate student from Malaysia, studying towards her MSc in International Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU).

A new journey, a new experience.

Zing Siang studied both Bachelor of Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He wanted to experience different cultures and lifestyle in the UK, no doubt it was one of the best chapters in his life.

University of Sheffield – The Place to Be

Nicholas Lee joined the University of Sheffield in 2019 and is currently pursuing a degree in LLB Law (with a year abroad). During his year abroad, he attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a recipient of the University of Sheffield International Merit Scholarship 2019 as well as the Stephen Gale Scholarship 2021.

A Place For Me To Grow Into An Independent But Approachable Person.

Esther chose the University of Essex for her undergraduate law studies. She shared her experience at Essex Law Clinic that has strengthened her oral and written communication skills and also the activities organised by Student Union helped to heal her homesickness.

Study, Food, Music and Basketball - All in Leeds!

Shi Wei first heard about Leeds through researching the top universities to study Medicine in the UK and found that Leeds was one of the best in the world. She also discovered how the Leeds University Union was one of the best in the country with a notable number of societies where she can continue practicing the sport she loves – basketball!

The Reasons I Chose University of Leeds as My Education Destination

Serene is born and bred in Penang and was pursuing a Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) in Chung Ling Private High School before tertiary education. She always thinks that UK is her utopia, a place to explore the endless possibilities of life.

Lancaster University: a diverse and welcoming community

Emily Shim Yi Jie met many different people at Lancaster while settling into her new home. Read about her first year.

My three top tips for becoming a more competitive job candidate

While studying a Film, Media and Cultural Studies degree at Lancaster University, I’ve experienced lots of great modules that will help make me more employable in a competitive job market.

Northern Ireland & Belfast - A hidden gem for studying in UK

From KL to Belfast, Choo Yi Kang shares why he chose Queen’s University Belfast and how it has been one of the best decisions he has made on his journey to success.

What I’ve Learned From My First Year at Warwick

Jeffrey Siaw shares his experience as a first year student at the University of Warwick

What life was like for students in the pandemic year?

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise. However, Hafizie took the risk where no one was willing to undertake by travelling to the UK during the peak of the pandemic. In this article, he shares his invaluable experiences and challenges of studying at Aberystwyth University.

Changes and Adaptations

Senthil shares his experience upon arriving in the UK and the support he receives from Aberystwyth University that makes his study experience rewarding.

My time at Sheffield has really set me up for the future

Puiyee Khong graduated from MA Politics in 2009 and currently works as an Operations Program Manager at Microsoft Ltd.

Kiwi’s 5 top tips for future students from Malaysia

I personally think it’s important to be prepared to deal with the changes that are involved with living in a different country, such as:

A transnational education experience

Jamie is currently in her second year of degree in Lancaster University, she shares her experience in the UK and the support she receives from Lancaster University.

Why Lancaster University?

Ira shares her experiences in the UK and the reasons she chose to further her studies at Lancaster University.

Making the most of student life!

Nadia shares her experiences on living abroad, her course, university and how to make the most of student life overseas.

I have fallen head over heels for Sheffield!

Wong Jhing Mern joined the University of Sheffield in 2019 as a winner of an Undergraduate Merit Scholarship, an award which recognises and rewards academic excellence

I learnt, I laughed, I lived

"Expanding my horizons at University of Reading" by Nafisah Rais

What led me to the University of Glasgow?

This is not your average success story. But Marcus took a chance and it turned out to be the best experience ever!

不后悔的决定 (No regrets at all!)

在英国诺丁汉特伦特大学留学的美好点滴 (Unforgettable experience studying at Nottingham Trent University)

Why I choose Marine Biology at University of Plymouth

Tiffany Chia shares her passion for marine life, coupled with amazing student experience at the University of Plymouth

Enjoy every moment: my time at the University of Leeds

Mei-Yan’s love for languages brought her to University of Leeds. Read about her journey here.

Enriching life, unprecedented days

Jie Wey was in her year 2 studies when COVID-19 pandemic hits. Read how she copes with studying and keeping in good spirits.

A rollercoaster of emotions for a degree in Medicine !

Mahesh was beyond thrilled to pursue Medicine at Keele University! Read why he picked Keele as his first choice.

Torn between maths and arts

Read how Adriana settles on the best of both worlds, incorporating maths and arts in her tertiary education

I feel focused about what I can achieve

Josh De Wit, 23, who graduates with a BSc with a placement year in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sussex’s 2019 winter graduation, won awards for a revolutionary fast-charging electric car battery concept.


“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ― William Butler Yeats

Living out of the box

Nicole Wong realised the measure of success in university is more than just grades - it’s what you get out of it. And how braving herself to pursue something out of her comfort zone has become another rewarding journey she never set herself out for.

Women In Physics - The Imposter Syndrome Effect

There are many initiatives being undertaken to improve gender balance in Physics. The Physics and Astronomy department at The University of Manchester was recently awarded the Bronze Athena award.

What can you do with a Biotechnology degree?

The field of Biotechnology is very diverse, you can be in Agriculture, Food, Pharmaceutical, Nanotechnology, and Chemical; just to name a few. What are the prospects for a Biotech degree, then?

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Manchester, the European City of Science and the academic home to many "giants"

Why I choose Law

Analise Cheong has completed my mini-pupillage at Queen Elizabeth Building Chambers. This opportunity would not have been possible without the constant encouragement and support from the ULaw employability services.

Memoirs of a London student: The little things that matter most

I used to dread going to university. Yet here I am, missing the three years I spent at university. It’s not just my friends, it is much more than that.

From the Lab to the Mind

The University of Sussex’s MA Environment, Development and Policy was a whole new ballgame that I underestimated. I graduated from my BSc in Environmental Science in Bangor, Wales last year and got accepted to read Development Studies in the prestigious institution for the next academic term.

My education journey with CEG ONCAMPUS

CEG ONCAMPUS is a pathway provider designed to help students get into their dream degree and university. CEG ONCAMPUS centres are based in the campus of their partner universities, so students get to enjoy a true university experience throughout their programme. And this is my journey.

My journey to Linguistics at the University of Westminster

The first time I was introduced to Linguistics I was already in too deep and before I knew it, I was applying to do a postgraduate course in this subject.

Defying The Norm

Read how Wei Ann bravely carves her own path against a conventional education system.

The Freedom To Find Myself

Nicole Wong embraced her newfound freedom with open arms but lost herself along the way. She pulled through, graduated and realised home is really where the heart is.

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself

Mahasin lived her best years in London but one dreaded call changed her life.

What can you do with a Physics degree, anyway?

Read how Wei Ann bravely carves her own path against a conventional education system.

Five minutes with University of Sheffield students

3 students share their experiences on living abroad, homesickness, their courses, university and how to make the best out of your university life!

The story of a Chevening scholar

Although studying seems like a natural progression for Natalie, doing her Masters in London changed her perspective entirely! Natalie Shobana Ambrose, studied in SOAS, University of London Masters in International Studies and Diplomacy‍