Famous last words.
The simple underestimation led to a transformation of a few articles of essential reading to a multitude of Wikipedia pages just trying to find definitions for stuff like “New Institutionalist Economics” or the various interpretations of Marxism. The pure amount of social theories I had to suddenly become an expert on overnight was overwhelming. Half the time in lectures and seminars, my peers led discussions out of my sphere of knowledge. A rocket scientist could explain the engineering of thermal aerodynamics and it would make more sense to me.
That last bit was an exaggeration because my cousin who is an aeronautics engineer did that and it made about the same sense, that is to say close to none, but you get the idea.
That being said, I genuinely did enjoy my (short) time in Sussex simply due to the vast international exposure you get from both the university and the course. I got perspectives and opinions I couldn’t get from my previous course, especially since it was a bit more objective too.
I didn’t regret taking the leap I did, but for those who are planning on doing the same thing, my advice is to not underestimate it. Prepare yourself!