New experiences, a better understanding of culture and practice, incredible new friends!
Pursuing bachelor's degree in the United Kingdom has been a dream ever since Afiq was a child. The very diverse student population from various nationalities at University of Southampton has made him feel welcome.
Pursuing my bachelor’s degree in the United Kingdom has been a dream ever since I was a child. While deciding which university is suitable for me, I found that the University of Southampton is one of the highly reputable universities for my undergraduate programme; BSc Computer Science. The learning style here is different from what I used to back in Malaysia. It is a challenge trying to adapt to UK teaching and learning during my first semester. Thankfully, with my academic tutor, Kirk Martinez, I can confidently say that I have found my studying rhythm again with my tutor’s support.
In front of Hartley Library before going in to do revisions
Being far away from Malaysia has never been an issue for me. Highfield campus has made it even easier for the international student, the very diverse student population from various nationalities, has made me feel welcome. As a Muslim, I was concerned about how people would judge or perceive me. I could safely say Southampton is a Muslim-friendly city; I have faced zero discrimination from the locals. It is easy to access Halal food around here.
I am enjoying my time and studies here at the University of Southampton. I have made incredible new friends, new experiences, and a better understanding of culture and practice. Suppose you are concerned about where to start meeting new friends. SUSU Clubs and societies are always a good way to meet friends who share common interests. I am currently in the Men’s 2nd Volleyball Team, and we welcome students from various backgrounds or internationally. See you there.
At the first floor of Hartley Library
Men’s Volleyball 2nd Team after a game against AECC University College